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23 November to 1 December

Saturday 23 November
10.00am — Intention: Linda Conlon Farrell, Pribbaun.
6.00pm Vigil — Intention: Ann Walsh, Killola.

Sunday 24 November (Feast of Christ the King)
11.00am — Intention: John Rhemus Joyce, Ross Demesne.

Monday 25 November
10.00am — Intentions of the people of the parish.

Tuesday 26 November
10.00am — Intention: Elizabeth & James Killeen. Dick Gilbert, Oughterard.

Wednesday 27 November
10.00am — Intention: Gerry Guihen, Doon West.

Thursday 28 November
10.00am — Intention: Nora Kiessling, Doon East.

Friday 29 November
10.00am — Special Intention.
7.30pm — Intention: Liam Carter, Wormhole/ Boston (month's mind). Burial of ashes in New Cemetery,  Killannin, on Saturday at 10.45am.

Saturday 30 November
10.00am — Intention: John Wallace. Deceased of Joyce & Wallace Families, Cleggan.
6.00pm Vigil — Intention: Redmond Kelly, John & Annie Carter. Deceased of Kelly, Carter, Feeney & Sullivan families, Ower.

Sunday 1 December (First Sunday of Advent)
11.00am — Intention: Mary Kinnevey (first anniversary) and Niall, Ross Demesne.