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Killannin Church

Welcome to our parish!

News from Fr Martin Moran

I welcome you to our Killannin parish website. All Masses are livestreamed via webcam.

Sunday 20th October is Mission Sunday: A second collection will be taken up at Masses at 6.00pm Saturday and 11.00am Sunday for the support of the Church Missions. Please consider bringing an extra contribution next Sunday for this second collection. Any offering you give means so much to those who work in the Church in places where resources are very scarce. In many places across the world the Church is a central and vital part of the local community, and your offering helps those communities in so many ways. To learn more about this work, please visit

The second session of the Universal Synod on Synodality began on 2 October in Rome, and will continue for the entire month of October. There, Pope Francis has gathered with representatives from the Catholic Church in every part of the world to continue discussions and discernment that were begun this time last year. Please pray for those gathered in Rome.

Loving Father, Lord of all ages. God of all peoples.
Through your Son, Jesus Christ, you have called us by name.
You have gathered us into the family of the Church.
Send forth your Holy Spirit upon us.
Inspire Pope Francis and all those who are assembled in Rome at this time.
Open their hearts to your voice.
Help them to recognise how best to respond to your call.
Give us a new heart and a new spirit.
Strengthen our faith.
Renew your Church.
Inspire us to work for a world where love abounds, justice reigns and peace prevails.
With Mother Mary by our side.
All this we ask of you. Amen.

Fr Martin sig


Parish Notices

Autumn Dues

The Harvest Dues envelopes are being distributed during the week. You can also use the “iDonate “ system – see DONATE button on main menu above. 

I thank you for your support.

This week's Mass Intentions

Click here for Mass Intentions and Mass times, 19th to 27th October 2024.
Click here for today's Mass readings from Catholic Ireland, in English or Irish.

Eucharistic Adoration


Eucharistic Adoration takes place Monday through to Thursday after 10.00am Mass, and continues until 11.… Read more

Irish Catholic Newspaper

If you wish to order the weekly Irish Catholic newspaper please put your name on a list in the Church porch. Price €3.00.