Saturday 18 January
10.00am — Intention: Noel Thomas, Fahy, Rosscahill.
6.00pm Vigil — Intention: Mark Molloy, Doon West.
Sunday 19 January (Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C)
11.00am — Intention: Kathleen Gallagher (née Geoghegan), Boston/Rusheeney, Oughterard. Muriel Shaughnessy & deceased family members.
First Holy Communion preparation.
Monday 20 January
10.00am — Intentions of the people of the parish.
Tuesday 21 January
10.00am — Special Intention.
Wednesday 22 January
10.00am — Intention: Johnny Duhan, Barna.
Thursday 23 January
10.00am — Special Intention.
Friday 24 January
10.00am — Special Intention.
Saturday 25 January
10.00am —
6.00pm Vigil — Intention: Gabriel Ryan, Fahy/Rosscahill.
Sunday 26 January (Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C)
11.00am — Intention: Kevin Lydon (month's mind), Knockferry.