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To help us all stay safe:
• Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly.
• Keep your distance.
• Use a face covering.

Covid-19 hse imageGovernment information and news on Covid-19.




statistics image Latest statistics and updates on Covid-19.



vaccine image Covid-19 vaccine information.



symptoms image Symptoms of Covid-19 and how to protect yourself.



Training Modules for Parish Support Teams and Volunteers

Click here to access the diocesan YouTube channel (Diocese of Galway) for a suite of videos to help in the return to public pastoral life.

Alternatively, you can link to the individual videos below.

Covid-19 Hand Hygiene, Respiratory Etiquette and Physical Distancing

Covid-19 Use of Personal Protective Equipment

Covid-19 Communications and Signage

Covid-19 Church Stewarding

Covid-19 Distribution of Holy Communion

Covid-19 Church Cleaning